Hungarian Hydrological
Forecasting Service
Hungarian Hydrological Forecasting Service

About meteorological forecast products

HHFS receives observed meteorological data from Hungarian and other European stations, forecast data, as well as reports describing the actual meteorological situation from the Hungarian Meteorological Service. Based on this information maps are produced of the most important meteorological parameters concerning hydrology. Gridded meteorological forecast data are made appropriate for map representation through HHFS' own developed downscaling and parameter estimation methods which are necessary to produce high level maps. Maps show data of the most recent model runs at all times. Legends were defined using threshold values relevant in hydrology, therefore they may significantly differ from the conventional meteorological scaling and colour usage.

e-mail: | tel: (+361)225-4493 | fax: (+361)225-4491 | address: 1012 Budapest, Márvány utca 1/D | postal address: 1253 Budapest, Pf.:56